Pizza Cookies Recipe
A Mom’s Unhinged Attempt at Getting Her Kids To Eat Dinner
My kids have weird names for everything.
Pullups? Sleep underwear.
Conditioner? Hair lotion.
Community Group? Church friends’ house.
Mommy’s Cup? Mine (iykyk).
So when I had a dream about pizza cookies, I knew we had a new term on our hands.
In the dream, someone was making tiny, cookie-sized pizzas, and I called them pizza cookies. When I woke up, I had to tell the kids.
Cue immediate obsession.
Was it a real cookie? Did it taste like a cookie? Could we make pizza cookies right now?
We sure can!
One Walmart pickup order and five billion questions later, I braced myself for what was either going to be the greatest dinner hack of all time… or a complete disaster.
How to Make Pizza Cookies
An Unhinged, Made-up Recipe By a Mom Desperate for Her Kids To Eat Dinner
1 can Pizza Crust (raw, not pre-cooked)
1 jar Pizza sauce (up to your preference)
1 Bag of Pizza Cheese Blend
Cookie cutters
A Baking Sheet
Parchment paper (optional)
Preheat oven to 425 degrees
Get a movie ready for when your kids inevitably become uninterested in helping
Let your kids decide on what cookie cutters they want for their pizza cookies
Referee the fighting about cookie cutters
Place parchment paper on baking sheet, roll out crust on sheet
Tip: for thin crust, roll it out to about 1/8 of an inch thick; for thick crust, 1/4-1/3. (tbh, I just eyeballed it)
For younger kids, help them press the cookie cutter onto the dough. Because pizza dough is stretchy, you will need to hold the cookie cutter down and pull the dough away from the sides.
Tip: Be careful moving the cutout dough. It might stretch and lose its shape if moved too haphazardly
Combine the leftover dough and knead it until you have enough to cut from
Allow kids to spread pizza sauce onto their specific cookie (this is important if you don’t want to referee more arguing)
Tip: the kiddos are going to spread the pizza sauce too thin. Do a “quality check” when they are done and add more sauce
Allow kids to bury their pizza cookie in cheese
Tip: do another “quality check” by removing any cheese that fell off the cookie. Unless you like crispy cheese chips, then you do you.
Bake for 8 minutes
Field more questions about when the pizza cookies are done
Obsessively open oven, check on dough. You do not want the cheese to get too crispy…unless that is specifically requested.
Potentially bake for another 2 minutes. Let cool.
Bake Mom & Dad’s pizza (the pizza cookies have been lovingly touched by germy hands)
Bring the whole day to an anticipated end: Serve the pizza cookies.
Watch in horror as they take two bites and say “I’m done!”
All in all, I think this recipe was a success and I am determined to make it our new Friday meal. After all, who wouldn’t want a puh-ookie (™ Georgie Original)?!