Color Up My World: DIY Disney Princess Crayon Costumes
Running Ali Nabors Running Ali Nabors

Color Up My World: DIY Disney Princess Crayon Costumes

What do you get when you mix princesses, puns, and a pack of runners? Princess Crayons! For the 2024 Disney Princess 10K, my friends and I DIY’d the most colorful costumes on the course—complete with crayon crowns and magical details. Check out how we brightened up race day with our out of the box looks!

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He Said I Couldn’t & So I Did
Running Ali Nabors Running Ali Nabors

He Said I Couldn’t & So I Did

And so, like a lunatic, my first question for the doctor was “Can I run a half in January?”

The doctor responded with something that altered the course of the next 7 months of my life:

“You technically could, but you probably won’t.”

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